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Information about the safety of homeopathic medicines:

Safety of Homeopathic Medicines:


We believe that the safety profile of homeopathy has been well established. As a result, Sunway offers homeopathic products for use by for all categories of consumers - adults, children, pregnant mothers, and breastfeeding mothers. The pregnancy warning on all Sunway products is required by law, specifically FDA regulation 21 CFR 201.63 (a). While this warning should always be honored, it is important to note that homeopathic products are generally considered to be:
  Non-Drowsy, with No Drug Interactions.
  Safe for the elderly and high risk patients.
  Safe for use with prescription medication, dietary supplements and herbs.
  100% Natural - no artificial additives or preservatives.
Below, we have provided what some others are saying about homeopathy and its use during pregnancy, lactation and for children:

General Homeopathic Safety


A. In the FDA Consumer Magazine (December 1996), an FDA Drug Evaluation and Research officer reports: "The FDA regulates homeopathic drugs in several significantly different ways from other drugs. The reasoning behind the differences is that, since homeopathic products contain little or no active ingredients, from a toxicity, and poison-control standpoint (more rigorous regulation) is deemed to be unnecessary. This disparate treatment has been primarily based on the uniqueness of homeopathic products, and the lack of any real concern over their safety…. ."

B. Safety of homeopathy was studied by doctors associated with the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital (RLHH) in England. They looked at papers published between 1970 and 1995 for reports of adverse effects of homeopathy. Adverse effects reported in clinical trials were temporary aggravations of symptoms or other mild and transient effects (mostly headaches, tiredness, skin eruptions, dizziness or diarrhea). Only a very few isolated reports of actual adverse effects have been attributable to homeopathic medicines. One of the expressed reasons for the popularity of homeopathy among patients at the RLHH is that it does not have the side effects associated with many conventional drugs
   Grabia S, Ernst E. Homeopathic aggravations: a systematic review of randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trials. Homeopathy 2003; 92: 92-8.
   Sharples F, van Haselen R. Patients' perspectives on using a complementary medicine approach to their health. A survey at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital NHS Trust. London, 1998.


C. The Canadian Pediatric Society, in their publication, Pediatrics & Child Health 2005;10(3): 173-177, states: "Properly prepared homeopathic medicines are generally considered to have few side effects because they are so dilute. For the same reason, they are unlikely to interact with conventional medicines…there is a very small risk of toxicity of homeopathic medicines."

Homeopathic Safety for Pregnancy, Labor & Infancy

D. In their article, Homeopathy: The Safest Medicine for Pregnancy and Labor - Healing with Homeopathy, Judyth Reichenberg-Ull man and Robert Ull man (both licensed naturopathic physicians board certified in homeopathy and authors of 7 books on health matters affecting women and children) write:

"Homeopathy is the safest form of medicine you will ever find, plain and simple. Safe for pregnant moms, for newborn babes, for debilitated, elderly folks at the end of their lives, patients who are hypersensitive to other medications…"

E. In the Mothering Magazine article, Homeopathic Remedies for Labor and Birth, Jana Shiloh (author of "Curing Colic and Lactose Tolerance with Homeopathy" and "Homeopathy for Birthing") states that Homeopathic remedies work quickly, naturally, and often dramatically. She goes on to describe 14 homeopathic remedies that she recommends to pregnant women, midwives, childbirth educators, and birthing assistants to have available for use during labor, birth, post-partum, and for the newborn.

F. Dr. James Tyler Kent, the father of American homeopathy, said, "A pregnant woman is more sensitive to the indicated homeopathic remedy than at any other time…. The physiological functions are more active and, because great changes are occurring throughout the whole organism, the remedy has a much better opportunity to do its work."

G. In his article Proven Safety of Homeopathy Pregnancy, Birth, Nursing, and Infancy, Frank King Jr., D.C. writes: "For centuries, homeopathy has been safely and successfully used to treat a plethora of common conditions associated with pregnant and nursing women. Not only does homeopathy assist in treating the mother during pregnancy or nursing, but it also enhances the health of the unborn or nursing child as well."

H. A 2001 survey of 1,607 pediatricians conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics reports that 4% of the responding pediatricians recommend homeopathy to treat: 1) recurrent respiratory infection; 2) moderately severe asthma; and 3) ADHD.

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